
Hearing aids in Du Bois PA

We found 24 hearing aid clinics with 244 reviews within 59.6 miles of Du Bois PA. Show clinics near me.

Healthy Hearing provides listings from audiologists, hearing instrument specialists and hearing aid centers near you. If you need hearing aids or a hearing test, choose a clinic from the list below to schedule an appointment in your area.

Local audiologists and hearing aid specialists

Peg Armanini's Hearing Healthcare (0.8 miles)

213 Beaver Dr Du Bois, PA 15801
213 Beaver Dr Du Bois, PA 15801
(814) 246-5039

Clarion Audiology Associates (32.8 miles)

180 Greenville Ave Clarion, PA 16214
180 Greenville Ave Clarion, PA 16214
(814) 297-6552

HearingLife - Clarion (33.2 miles)

30 Pinnacle Dr Bldg. 30 Ste 302 Clarion, PA 16214
30 Pinnacle Dr Bldg. 30 Ste 302 Clarion, PA 16214
Convenient parkingCurbside serviceWheelchair accessibleAssistive listening devicesFinancing availableTinnitus

Aaron McElhinney, BC-HIS

Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences

Aaron McElhinney brings over 17 years of success in the audiology field to HearingLife, where he...

Photo of Aaron McElhinney, BC-HIS from HearingLife - Clarion

Stone Audiology - Kane (37.4 miles)

133 Biddle St Kane, PA 16735
133 Biddle St Kane, PA 16735
(814) 245-1139
Recent review

Lemme Audiology Associates - Ebensburg (45.3 miles)

3135 New Germany Rd Suite 32 Ebensburg, PA 15931
3135 New Germany Rd Suite 32 Ebensburg, PA 15931
Free coffeeConvenient parkingCurbside serviceWheelchair accessibleService pets welcomeAssistive listening devicesPediatricsFinancing availableTelehealth servicesTinnitusRemote hearing aid programming

Amy Greer, AuD, FAAA

Doctor of Audiology

In 2019, Lemme Audiology Associates added Dr. Amy Greer as the lead Doctor of Audiology in our...

Photo of Amy Greer, AuD, FAAA from Lemme Audiology Associates - Ebensburg

HearingLife - West Kittanning (45.6 miles)

204 Butler Road West Kittanning, PA 16201
204 Butler Road West Kittanning, PA 16201

Lori Meyer, HIS

Hearing Instrument Specialist

Licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist, Lori Meyer, has been helping people achieve healthy hearing...

Photo of Lori Meyer, HIS from HearingLife - West Kittanning
Recent review

Lemme Audiology Associates (46.6 miles)

613 Valley View Blvd Altoona, PA 16602
613 Valley View Blvd Altoona, PA 16602
Free coffeeConvenient parkingCurbside serviceWheelchair accessibleService pets welcomeAssistive listening devicesPediatricsFinancing availableTelehealth servicesTinnitusBalance testingRemote hearing aid programming

Karen Lemme, AuD, FAAA

Doctor of Audiology

Welcome to Better Hearing! Dr. Karen Lemme has been treating the hearing community of Blair...

Photo of Karen Lemme, AuD, FAAA from Lemme Audiology Associates

Increase Hearing LLC (46.6 miles)

2927 Beale Ave E105 Altoona, PA 16601
2927 Beale Ave E105 Altoona, PA 16601
(814) 201-9845

ENT Associates of Central PA (46.9 miles)

3341 Beale Ave Altoona, PA 16601
3341 Beale Ave Altoona, PA 16601
(814) 201-9852

Mount Nittany Health Audiology (49.1 miles)

164 Greenview Dr 3rd fl State College, PA 16803
164 Greenview Dr 3rd fl State College, PA 16803
(814) 680-1134
More than 10 reviews

Uhring's Hearing & Balance Center - State College (49.7 miles)

100 Oakwood Avenue Suite 400 State College, PA 16803
100 Oakwood Avenue Suite 400 State College, PA 16803
More locations available
(814) 644-4070
Convenient parkingCurbside serviceWheelchair accessibleService pets welcomeAssistive listening devicesPediatricsFinancing availableTinnitusBalance testingEar cleaning

Elise Uhring, Au.D., CCC-A, FAAA


Dr. Elise Uhring has over 25 years as a practicing audiologist. She earned her Masters in Audiology...

Photo of Elise Uhring, Au.D., CCC-A, FAAA from Uhring's Hearing & Balance Center - State College

Knisely Audiology Services - Hollidaysburg (50.3 miles)

800 South Logan Blvd Suite 3100 Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
800 South Logan Blvd Suite 3100 Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
(814) 800-0603

HearingSmith, LLC (52.1 miles)

2790 West College Ave Lower Level Suite 6 State College, PA 16801
2790 West College Ave Lower Level Suite 6 State College, PA 16801

Boyd Smith, BC-HIS

Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences

Hello, I'm Boyd Smith and my approach differs from many hearing clinics who seek to...

Photo of Boyd Smith, BC-HIS from HearingSmith, LLC

Penn State Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic (52.2 miles)

Research Ctr A 743A Hastings Rd Room114 University Park, PA 16802
Research Ctr A 743A Hastings Rd Room114 University Park...
(814) 325-9178

Albrecht Audiology (52.8 miles)

233 Easterly Pkwy Ste 102 State College, PA 16801
233 Easterly Pkwy Ste 102 State College, PA 16801
(814) 308-0958

Centre Audiology & Hearing Aids (53.1 miles)

252 Match Factory Place Bellefonte, PA 16823
252 Match Factory Place Bellefonte, PA 16823
(814) 357-7031

Rametta Audiology & Hearing Aid Center - Vandergrift (55.1 miles)

141 Columbia Ave Vandergrift, PA 15690
141 Columbia Ave Vandergrift, PA 15690
(724) 567-3224

Easter Seals of Western & Central PA (55.6 miles)

232 Walnut St Johnstown, PA 15901
232 Walnut St Johnstown, PA 15901
(814) 619-3141

R.W. Petruso Hearing & Audiology Center - Warren (55.9 miles)

2171 Market St Warren, PA 16365
2171 Market St Warren, PA 16365
(814) 313-1433

Johnstown Better Hearing (57.6 miles)

206 Bellemont St Johnstown, PA 15904
206 Bellemont St Johnstown, PA 15904
(814) 792-6180

Stone Audiology - Bradford (58.2 miles)

89 Main Street Bradford, PA 16701
89 Main Street Bradford, PA 16701
(814) 363-4208

Professional Hearing Services (58.8 miles)

452 S Franklin St Titusville, PA 16354
452 S Franklin St Titusville, PA 16354
(814) 708-4120
More than 10 reviews

Uhring's Hearing & Balance Center - Huntingdon (59 miles)

200 Mifflin St Huntingdon, PA 16652
200 Mifflin St Huntingdon, PA 16652
More locations available Convenient parkingWheelchair accessibleService pets welcomeAssistive listening devicesPediatricsFinancing availableTinnitusBalance testingEar cleaning

Elise Uhring, AuD


Dr. Elise Uhring has over 25 years as a practicing audiologist. She earned her Masters in Audiology...

Photo of Elise Uhring, AuD from Uhring's Hearing & Balance Center - Huntingdon

R.W. Petruso Hearing & Audiology Center - Titusville (59.6 miles)

407 N 3rd St Titusville, PA 16354
407 N 3rd St Titusville, PA 16354
(814) 398-3493

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Learn more about hearing health

If you're not ready to make that call, visit our Hearing Help pages for extensive information about hearing loss, hearing aids, tinnitus and assistive listening devices.

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